Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Captain's Wood

On Easter Saturday we went for a walk through a carpet of bluebells and primroses in Captain's Wood, and even spied a herd of deer through the trees. Birdsong is the only sound that breaks the stillness and peace. Well, that and the chatter and laughter of the girls of course. And we were happily remembering a little event of 19 years ago, on Easter Saturday (it was 18th April that year), when the boy and I were married in a little house in Stowmarket that had once belonged to the poet, Milton. The primroses in the wood reminded me of those on our wedding cake.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Portrait of Bono by Little E

We are excited and proud that Little E's portrait of Bono has been chosen for inclusion in the Primary Art Exhibition at Colchester's Slack Space, which runs until 15 April. The exhibition showcases work by children aged between 5-11 from seven primary schools in and around the Colchester area. The work is of an amazingly high standard, full of vibrant colour and imagination and is well worth a visit.